Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry in Tecumseh, MI

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Don’t let anxiety impact your oral health!

Dental Hygienist examining patients teeth at Tecumseh Family Dental Care

Stress-Free Dental Care with Sedation Dentistry

Anxiety about visiting the dentist is common. We get it! But avoiding routine checkups and necessary procedures can lead to severe issues down the road. If this sounds like you, then sedation dentistry is an effective way we can help! Through one of several conscious sedation methods, we can reduce your dental anxiety and provide you with the care you need for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums! 


If you’re anxious about your dentist appointment, let us know and we can work with you on the best sedation method for your level of worry. Sedation dentistry at Tecumseh Family Dental is performed in one of three ways:

Nitrous Oxide Sedation – Otherwise known as “laughing gas,” nitrous oxide is inhaled and is great for reducing moderate anxiety about standard procedures. You’ll even be able to drive yourself home afterward!

Oral Sedation – Prior to your appointment, you’ll take a sedative pill that will leave you relaxed and calm by the time you arrive for your procedure. Oral sedatives are easy to use, effective, and safe for your body!

IV Sedation – For severe dental anxiety or long procedures, IV sedation may be the right option for you. Sedatives administered via IV will keep you extremely relaxed and can make a long procedure feel like it’s over instantly. 


  • Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

    Yes, sedation dentistry is a safe method for patients with dental anxiety to receive the routine care they need without the need to worry about an upcoming appointment. Sedation dentistry is a “conscious” sedation, so you’ll be awake throughout the procedure!

  • What Type of Sedation Dentistry is Right for Me?

    If you think sedation is necessary for your upcoming appointment, let us know and we can discuss your options. Depending on your level of anxiety, the procedure, and your transportation, the recommended sedation method may change. No matter what your situation, we can find a solution that lets you leave your appointment happy and relaxed!

Dr. Hourani in his office at Tecumseh Family Dental Care

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Dr. Hourani

Request Appointment with Dr. Hourani

Dr. Hourani in his office at Tecumseh Family Dental Care

Request Appointment With Dr. Hourani

Request Appointment with Dr. Hourani

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